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Stay Positive - Ben Franklin - Moving Forward

Keep in the Sunlight.

from: Benjamin Franklin - Revolutionary, Entrepreneur, Ambassador, Promoter of Bathing in Moonlight

Another quote I like from the father of the post office is "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."  But this one is fake.But this one is fake.

The main Franklin quote does not have the full context as reported by Wikiquote:  "Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.  As quoted in Dictionary of Thoughts (1908) by Tryon Edwards, p. 22.

I liked this whole quote because I am in a bitter, dark place that requires reflection of what I did and what I am doing to be there.   As a 50+ person, I have reached the age where it is typical that employers do not want to pay more.  It could be due to reaching a compensation ceiling - which might be my case.  However, numerous younger people with less experience are being hired with higher salaries.  

So, if I am to have power in this situation, I believe I have to evaluate how this is happening and then how to move forward.

Part of the reason is my contribution to the organization is not recognized.  I regularly go beyond my main job to improve operations.  If these are not being recognized, then either:
   1)  What I think is a contribution is not considered a contribution - I am deluding myself, or
   2)  I am not promoting my contributions enough - my communication is lacking, or
   3)  Other things I am doing are outweighing the contribution - self-sabotage, or 
   4)  Some other reason:  Grudge, Jealousy, Pettiness, Ass-covering, etc.
It it probably some of each.

So, how to move forward.

I am reminded of the saying:  You get what you measure.  ( This might be ideal for another posting ).  So I am going to track my "above and beyond" contributions at work.  This might cover points 1) and 2).

The self-sabotage thing.  Yeah, my quick mouth might be doing that.  So only positive things are to be said that the office.

Number 4:  for this one, I guess I have to ramp up my awareness of situations.

So, what to do going forward.  This reminds me of another quote: Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you."  The internet has forms of this quote attributed to St. Augustine, St. Ignatius Loyola, Brigham Young and probably others.  I couldn't find an accurate source.

The first part:  So I am going to work as if I could actual change how I am perceived at work.

The second part:  I am going to work at developing new income streams.

Never say die!

Gratitudes:  Podcasts, attractive distractions, and wine.


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