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Prolonging days leads to wasting time - Jack London - I hate being right

The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.  I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.  I shall use my time.

from: Jack London

Today, I prolonged my day.

I have a story to structure and a teaching book to write.  I have a blog to update and a lesson to plan. I have a body to exercise and a home to organize. Yet, I played an inconsequential computer game first thing in the morning.

How does wasting time help?  Everyone needs to relax, so if playing computer games is a "need," then why to I feel guilty.  Universities recommend itIt is unhealthy as stress increases cortisol levels which may result in symptoms of weight gain, heart issues, lower immune function, etc.  Even the Pomodoro Method includes five minutes of rest after every 25 minutes of studying.

I tell students to plan their relaxation time.  I suggest to parents that their children should be in outside, non-academic activities.  And yet, when I am not operating effectively I waste time on stupid, idiotic, moronic games.

Time to pull the cord.  Delete the game.  Drop it like the bad habit it is.

But then, what is the alternative?  If random, non-energizing time-wasting is a bad habit, then it is only replaceable with another habit.  I was walking first thing in the morning - that is a great habit.  I write this blog in the morning - I think it is a great habit.  

Oh Christmas.  It is time to do what I tell my students?  Plan your day the night before.  Work your plan.  Include breaks.  Argh. I give such established, proven, crappy advice. I hate being right.

Gratitudes:  Extension cords, woks, and comfortable beds.


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