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Lead by example - Mahatma Ghandi - Crap, I've got to practice what I preach

An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.

from:  Mahatma Ghandi

Today I'll be participating in a difficult conversation.  My business partner is being distracted by other activities and, in my opinion, he is not fully participating in either our activities nor his side ventures with any sort of diligence.  He is being tempted by the brass ring of dubious quick returns.

Again, I have look at my own actions.  Am I working smart or conscientiously enough?

As a teacher, it is natural to just tell people what to do.  Lately, the education profession is about guiding through shiny objects and entertainment.  But underneath all of it is guiding students to a goal.  However, it is much easier, quicker, and more direct to just tell them what to do.

This can backfire fabulously when confronted by a stubborn, obstinate person.  And as I have told a friend, my business partner is more stubborn than any four people combined.

So, to get the business back on track, I have to look at myself and my actions.  Time to become, or appear to become, focused and professional.  Maybe I can reach an agreement that we both up the game.

Gratitudes:  Nice weather, stationary, and washing machines.


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