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Change - Issac Azimov - Even the smallest amount can make a difference

"The point is that any change greater than the minimal is chaotic."
from: Dors the Robot,   Issac Azimov,  Forward the Foundation 

Disruptors.  Change Agents.  Change Makers.  Those are some of the (dated) buzz words of business right now to describe things that profoundly affect society.  They can be people, organizations, companies, or ideas that make a difference.

We think, many people think, that a big difference has to come from a big change.  This is not the case.  There is the reference to the 'butterfly effect' which is explained as a single wing beat of a single butterfly in China can cause catastrophic weather conditions on the other side of the world.

Not only is only small change necessary to make a big difference, there needs to be "luck."  From the Scientific American article "The Role of Luck in Success is Far Greater Than We Realized":
  • "People with easy to pronounce names are judged more positively than those with difficult-to-pronounce names[.]"
This is not fair, but that is the game we have to play. 

One thing is certain.  Doing the same thing, meeting the same people, playing the same games, or consuming the same media will probably not make a change.  

Get out there.  Learn something new.  Try something different.  Succeed or fail.  If you want a change in your circumstances, make a change.  It doesn't have to be big, but it has to happen.

Gratitudes:  Convenience stores, bank accounts, and cheap watches.


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