Part of what horror is, is taking risks and going somewhere that people think you're not supposed to be able to go, in the name of expressing real-life fears. from Jordan Peele - Actor, Producer, Writer I like to watch a good horror film as much as the next person. I am fascinated that a genre which exercises the amygdala has the bones to layer on creativity. BOO! becomes ingenious, revealing, thought provoking, and cathartic. Jordan's film, Get Out , was kitschy, creative, funny, and exposing while being entertaining. I picked today's blog topic because I just finished listening to Jordan's interview on NPR: Jordan Peele Looked Into The Mirror And Saw The Evil Inside "Us." ( stupid, idiotic American grammar rules ). One of the quotes that I liked was: 'So that is what this movie is about to me, is that: Whatever your "us" is, we turn "them" into the enemy, and maybe "we" are our own worst e...